“I know that many people think this is the time to shy away from Israel. But I think that if there is ever a time to be a true believer in what we can achieve in this country and how much we can improve it, this is the time.”
Hila Peer, Chairperson of The Aguda
A Wider Bridge Emergency Grants: Support LGBTQ Rights in Israel
Inspired by the battle for democracy in Israel, A Wider Bridge is launching a matching campaign to DOUBLE the $180,000 in Impact Grants that we have already given to Israeli LGTBQ groups this year. These emergency grants will help respond to the community’s current needs, including:
Rising rates of harassment and violence
Increased community crisis hotline calls
Critical crisis intervention and support at protests
Increased transphobia and people who become houseless
Legal advocacy for LGBTQ protesters
Transportation to demonstrations in critical cities as well in the periphery