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Understanding Gaslighting & Pinkwashing

June 24, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Join two experts–Dr. Corinne Blackmer and Dr. Josh Simmons– as we explore efforts to silence, marginalize, and distort Zionism as well as the achievements of the Israeli LGBTQ community. Bring your questions.

In the wake of October 7, words and phrases have been weaponized against the LGBTQ supporters of Israel. While accusations are plentiful, answers and context are rarer.

Join Dr.’s Corinne Blackmer and Josh Simmons in exploring what gaslighting and pinkwashing mean, and how words have been used to further marginalize many in our community.

Please bring your questions, your stories and your full authentic selves to our check-in on June 24 at 12:00 pm ET for an opportunity to connect.

This webinar is intended for LGBTQ supporters of Israel and their loved ones and will address how discourse can impact an already marginalized community. There will be time for questions at the conclusion of the program, and attendees are encouraged to use the Q and A feature during the webinar.

Corinne E. Blackmer, PhD is professor of English and Judaic Studies and Director of Judaic Studies at Southern Connecticut State University, and an affiliate professor at University of Haifa.  She has written numerous articles on a wide array of subjects, from Jewish ethics and pink washing to Jewish women’s graphic novels and modernism.  She recently completed a book which won the National Jewish Book Award, Queering Anti-Zionism: LGBTQ Intellectuals, Academic Freedom, and Israel/Palestine Campus Activism and also edited (with Andrew Pessin) a collection of essays, Poisoning the Wells: Antisemitism in Contemporary America.  She is currently completing a memoir about her maternal grandmother, who was a woman’s reproductive health advocate.  The title is, My Grandmother as an Abortionist before Roe.

Joshua Simmons, PsyD is a Jungian psychoanalyst, licensed psychologist, and clinical supervisor. His past clinical research focuses on cultural trauma and the intergenerational transmission of trauma and resilience among ethnic minorities. He maintains a private practice in San Francisco, CA.


June 24, 2024
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm